- Arrive Boston on Saturday, Oct 9. Flight delayed due to lack of pilot for an hour. Lucky that the flight wasn't cancelled (more on that later).
- Arrive a Hotel Newbury with no issues. Nice hotel that has been updated. Highly recommend as close to race and and right across from the commons.
- Easy lunch at Saltie Girl restaurant. Got our seafood fix (lobster, oysters).
- Walked around BackBay area.
- Went to vaccine verification tent and Expo. Expo was a big letdown after Chicago with no vendors. Probably related to covid.
- Picked up Tracksmith Singlet.
- Dinner at GrandTour restaurant. Fish and Raw Steak (yummy).
- Sorbet for desert.
- Shake-out run Sunday morning and run down to start line.
- Brunch in Chinatown at Dim Sum. Nice place, but Chicago Dim Sum was better. Picked up some pastries for desert.
- Went down to Finish Line for pictures and t-shirts.
- Easy afternoon watching No Time To Die.
- Dinner at Teatro Italian. Spagetti and Meatballs.
- Morning of race, woke up at 6am. No issues prepping (bagel, P&J, did business). Went with Janji shorts, Aeroswift top, sweatshirt. 5 huma, 3 spring apple, and one gel. Extra spring apple and waffle for bus trip. Had not decided on sunglasses or not. Left at 7:45 for 8:30 bus. Ended up getting their at 8:00, but were letting in 8:30 group. Dumped sunglasses as it was going to be hot and cloudy for most of the race. Wanted to be able to wipe face/eyes.
- Bus ride was nice. Sat with a gentleman that was running his 7+ Boston. Brian from Albany. Needed to BQ so could run in April. Ate most of the waffle on the way up.
- Pre-race area was straight forward. Not too crowded, but busy. Got ready without an issue. Lots of port-a-poddies. Saw Jessie there. She had to drive up since SWA cancelled her flight yesterday!! She was injured, so just wanted to finish. Ended up just over 6 hours. Took a spring gel and re-anti-chafed upper.
- Started just around 10am. Temperature in low 60s. Early hills were downhill, but not awfully steep. I did start faster than I wanted, but within range (8 min). Crowds were everywhere, even in the beginning. People were out in their driveways. It was great! Bunch of kids bouncing on trampolines by the road.
- Lady was mentioning she wasn't anticipating the early hills. I told her it was a warm-up. Trailing an older lady for most of the beginning. Lost sight of her prior to 13.1. Some minor uphills. Water every mile was great! Took some every time. Could hear Wellesley Scream Tunnel from over 1/4 mile away. Passed by the IRONMAN person that was special. Gave him encouragement.
- Feeling good passing 13.1. Pretty happy with split and no issues. Started using some water on head to cool down. Fueling was working out well. Alternating between Huma and Spring (high energy). Took 2 salt tabs around 1:30, then took again at 2:30 (give or take). Starting feeling shins and hamstrings. Person out there with a hose spraying down people.
- First Newton hill wasn't too bad. They are 1/4+ hills with not a very steep grade. Reminds me of Centennial hill.
- 2nd hill was a bit harder. Still ok. 3rd hill felt longer for some reason. Think a saw a lady here that made a mess in her shorts. Felt bad.
- Saw Jess at start of Heartbreak Hill. Long hill, but not much worse than the prior. Just that it was the last one.
- Crested hill and waved my arms (kinda like Rocky). Thought I heard the crowds respond. Then it was downhill. Picked up some speed. No issue with quads. Started slowing around mile 23. Passed by seeing impaired person from work and said Hi.
- A minor hill over the highway close to 25 - annoying. Hamstrings stated acting up. Worried I was going to have to walk it home. Saw Jess a final turn to Boylston. Slight hill.
- Man, the finish line seemed far away. Crowd was nuts on Boylston. Lined the streets and just noise. I was fun to finish!
- Overall
- Fueling was spot on. Used it all up. Did not need the chewable, but had them.
- Salt capsules were helpful (2 at 1.5 hours and 2 more past 2.5 hours).
- Used up all the 8oz of water by mile 22. Lucky had the water every mile.
- Using water on the head was critical I think. Clouds helped too. Really minimal sun, which reduced the stress from the 68-70 degrees at the end.
- No stomach issues at all. Should probably have taken another gel at 22/23.
- Start pace was good. Wish could have done just a bit more on the hills and maintained pace after. But I enjoyed the race.
- Best crowd and city support so far!!! Highly recommend.
- Clothing and shoes were spot on. Little sore due to shorts, but after race.
So, it seemed obvious today that the pod was still off. It seems to be reading short of the intended distance based on 7 mile circuit and initial readings on my 11 mile run today. I feel like .20 miles short on 7 miles. So .0286 miles off per mile. Current calibration is 99.3. Reset to 100. Current calculations indicate 102.25
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