So, it seemed obvious today that the pod was still off. It seems to be reading short of the intended distance based on 7 mile circuit and initial readings on my 11 mile run today. I feel like .20 miles short on 7 miles. So .0286 miles off per mile. Current calibration is 99.3. Reset to 100. Current calculations indicate 102.25
Testing: Adidas Adios Adizero Pro 2 - Not a bad shoe. Have to try a longer distances. Hoka Mach 4 - Excited to try this shoe. Finally on sale. In Rotation: Brooks Aurora-BL - Just purchased as an alternative to the Maxroad 5. Transitions faster. New Balance RC Elite 2 - Nice, soft, long distance shoe. Soft enough to use for other runs. Nike Alphafly - Long run shoes. Need to wear down. Nike Vaporfly Next % 2 Aqua - Training shoe. Nike Vaporfly Next % 2 White/Pink - Training shoe. Nike Vaporfly Next % Volt - Race shoe. Puma Deviate Nitro Elite - Nice. Feels like lower drop than 8mm. Not sure I can take longer distances. My track shoe. Salomon Sense Ride 2 - Like this over the Pegasus. Firmer ride. Better for trails. Saucony Endorphin Speed - Green. Retirement age. Saucony Endorphin Speed - Black old. Almost retirement age. Saucony Endorphin Speed - NYC. Retirement age. Saucony Endorphin Speed 2 - Blue. Starting...
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